Essential Visitor Info

Do you have an appointment at RST? For security reasons, all visitors must complete a short online visitor instruction prior to their visit. Also, all visitors must bring a valid ID when visiting our terminal.

Are you carrying out work at the terminal or on a ship? Then please also read the safety instructions and site regulations prior to your visit (available in several languages). Additional rules apply to contractors and visiting ships.


Visitor instructions

For security reasons, all visitors must complete a short online visitor instruction prior to their visit to RST.
You can do this by clicking on the button below:


For all visitors ships and supplier buildings:
A test is part of this instruction and must be successfully completed in order to get access to our terminal.
This test can only be completed on site.

Safety instructions and site regulations

City Gate zero tolerance memo


Work Permit

Work permit must be requested 24 hours in advance.

  1. Download the work permit form
  2. Fill in completely as possible
  3. Send it to:
  4. Wait for approval
  5. Pick up your work permit on arrival at security office

Download work permit



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