We at RST take great pride in facilitating the best possible terminal service towards our customers. We do so by having a clear focus on CSR, digital innovation and important value-added services like cross-docking and empty depot related products.
Besides our unique terminal location right in the heart of Europe’s leading port, the port of Rotterdam, the share scale on which we operate has another big advantage facilitating the biggest shortsea and intermodal network in Europe.
Our customers operate more than 40 line services each week directly reaching more than 50 of the biggest ports in Europe and therewith creating countless transhipment possibilities while doing so. With reliable intermodal solutions for rail, barge and road transport we facilitated the biggest and most efficient European transport network.
If you want to find out how your business can tap into this huge pool of transport and logistics opportunities please come and meet us next week in Munich.
9-12 May
Munich Messe
Transport Logistics expo
Hall B3 Booth 313-414
Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals, Europe at your doorstep